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Our Mission

At Everson Elementary we are committed to helping all students reach their full academic potential by providing high quality curriculum and instruction in a safe and supportive learning environment. We are committed to ensuring the success of all of our students.


About Our School

Welcome to Everson Elementary School's Performance Report for the 2018-2019 school year.  We appreciate very much the continued support of our parents and community as we partner to provide the very best educational opportunities for all of our students.  We are very proud or our school and our students and we are dedicated to excellence. 


Student Demographics

We serve a wonderfully diverse student population which enhances the quality of education available for everyone.  Our student attendance for 2017/2018 was about 94%, and we averaged about 20 students per class.  For the 2018/2019 school year, our classes will average about the same. Please click here to view the most current demographic data provided by the Office of Public Instruction (OSPI).   



Everson Elementary School welcomed its first students in the fall of 1993 as South Primary School housing one preschool, two kindergartens, and 11 first, second, and third grade classrooms. In the fall of 1998, the Nooksack Valley School District reconfigured its three elementary and primary schools to a kindergarten through grade five format. As a result, the building is now known as Everson Elementary School. In 2006, a Head Start preschool was once again added to the program followed by a lifeskills program in 2008 for students with specialized learning and physical needs.  The building is composed of two “pods”, and due to growth, four portable classrooms.  


2017-2018 School Improvement Accomplishments

  • Continued implementation of after-school programming which included project-based, academic support and other enrichment opportunities. 
    • Club de Lectura for our Spanish-speaking elementary students and Nooksack Valley High School mentors   
    • Academic support small group classes in math, literacy, and homework support

    • Enrichment Opportunities after school (art, chess, sports)
  • Partnership with WWU for Compass to Campus Mentoring program which brought about 10 WWU students to mentor and support 5th grade students throughout the year.
  • Continued emphasis on the education of the whole child
  • Music instruction for all students
  • Character Building class in grades 1-5
  • Physical Education for all students
  • Watch D.O.G.S. - Dads of Great Students program successfully implemented to promote greater involvement of dads of our students. We had more dad volunteer hours at Everson Elementary in 2012/2013 than in the previous five years combined!!

  • District-wide grade-level planning meetings during 11 early release days for staff professional development.  These days gave teachers time to meet together to plan units, align instruction, review assessments, and collaborate on essential building and district improvement efforts.

  • Character Building is a school-wide program aimed at teaching all students the importance of empathy, emotion control, and conflict resolution. Topics covered include bullying prevention, career exploration, internet safety, and friendship/social skills. This year’s theme is, “Be a Super H.E.R.O.” (a hero is Helpful, has Empathy, is Responsible, and Optimistic).

  • Preschool and Kindergarten staff continue to work to align instructional approaches to enhance the transition and academic progress from preschool to kindergarten.  June 2012 was the first Ready for K transition class offered by Everson Prek and K staff for parents and students of incoming K students!


2018-2019 School Improvement Activities

The staff of Everson Elementary is fully committed to continuous professional development and providing research based instructional practices for all students.  We commit to...

  • increased student achievement in reading, writing, mathematics, and science as measured by the number of students meeting the standard on designated grade level and state assessments.

  • implement professional development around best math practices with the implementation of the new Bridges math curriculum 

  • developing cycles of learning-based areas in our practice that we need to improve to help enhance the instructional performance of all of our teachers and principals.  This year the focus is on social-emotional learning and implementation of Bridges math and best practice math instructional strategies. 

  • a tight focus on student strengths, needs, goals, and monitoring of the efficacy of the interventions in place for students not yet at standard as well as pushing those at or exceeding standard to excellence.  


Opportunities for Parents and Community

We believe that in order for students to learn and develop their potential, it is essential that families and schools enter into an ongoing partnership. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to participate in a variety of ways and activities. We welcome parents to volunteer in classrooms, the library, and the office, and to help with special events.  

Another avenue for parent participation is through our parent group called, Families For Everson Elementary (F4EE). During the 2018-2019 school year, the F4EE is coordinating book fairs, roller skating parties, movie nights, and school-wide events like Family Fitness Night. They also generously support, fund, and sponsor field trips. 

Parents are invited to attend regular Coffee with the Principal meetings to learn about the curriculum, school news and information, and new programs. This is a casual forum for parents to bring questions, concerns, or ideas to the attention of the principal.  Parents are also encouraged to communicate with teachers and to actively participate in their child’s learning.


2017 - 2018 Building Budget Expenditures

Certificated Staff Salaries  7%

Classified Staff salaries     6%

Benefits                            2%

Supplies                           70%

Contracts                         11%

Travel                               4%

Capital Purchases             0%


Everson Elementary School Report Card